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Sustainable Energy Comparisons

Solar energy Pros: Solar is more sustainable and green compared to fossil fuels and panels can be installed at an individual level.

Cons: They only work when the sun is shining, a solar field requires a vast amount of space, the materials are not only rare, but when disposed they add to the hazardous electrical waste. (

Geothermal Pros: No burning of fossil fuels needed to extract it, only contributes 1/6 of carbon dioxide that a natural gas power plant produces, always available and relatively inexpensive(savings can be as much as 80% over fossil fuels).

Cons: Extraction releases hydrogen sulfide (smells like rotten eggs) and other wastes of generation can contain low levels of toxic materials and they only last for a few decades at certain sites. (

Wind Pros: causes no pollution, space-efficient and operation costs are quite low.

Cons: heavy initial investment with installations, noise and visual pollution, and pose a danger for indigenous bird species. (

Hydro Pros: stable and reliable, low operating cost, and matches its current demand.

Cons: causes damage to the natural flow of water around it, building cost is high, and can cause droughts or floods in local areas. (

Nuclear Pros: Less costly than other alternatives, does not release carbon dioxide or methane, and it consistently runs at full potential.

Cons: Nuclear waste is toxic, currently is in a bad light in a political view which makes expansion hard, the cost for competent and educated workers would increase as the safety and efficiency arose, and due to the immense amount of energy being generated and stored there is the possibility of detrimental accidents. (

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Works Cited "Average Annual Sunshine by USA State - Current Results." n.d. Web. 5 Jun. 2020. Ben Zientara. "How much electricity does a solar panel produce?." Solar Power Rocks. 11

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