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  • Writer's picturesarahlindberg0220

"May 28th" Journal Post

I haven't been progress journaling, but I do have some things that have happened over the past few days. I stuck to the plan I had made to be finished by yesterday. I worked on my script up until last Saturday and then finished recording my audio by Tuesday. Tuesday through Thursday I spent hours editing. Finally at 10:00 pm on Thursday I exported and uploaded. Unfortunately, the version that was exported and uploaded was an older version for some reason. I tried to figure it out, but then my computer wouldn't let me export the video again, so I decided to take a break and the try the next morning.

The audio was not showing up! Not even in edit mode, not when exported and not in past versions. I decided to take my old version's audio and mash it with the exported videos on my desktop. It took me about an hour and half to match everything and then add the last bit of audio the other part was missing. When I went to export it, it told me that there would be a huge watermark taking up about half of the frame. I spent about another hour trying to figure out how to get rid of the watermark, use another software or to see if I could get the pro version without paying the $50.

After cutting my losses, I decided that I should just export the version with the watermark. I exported it and waited for it to upload onto my website and then I decided to see if the original software was still being weird, it wasn't. The audio was back and working, I exported and uploaded and the newest version is now in view. I am going to post the bibliography after this, but it has been a very stressful week and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Also seeing as this is my last real journal post, I just wanted to say how amazing it has been to be in this class. Truly, it has broadened my mind and helped me view the education system in a new light.

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