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Many assignments are meant to be taken in very personal and original directions. Hopefully the purpose of the assignment shines through with the succinct descriptions provided and content of the assignment.

Assignments: Text

Final Project

For my final project I decided to make an audio presentation with some visual aids. I compiled research from past assignments as well as new research specifically for this assignment. I talk about how citizens should be aware of their options to be more sustainable, how that works and also how they can hold governments and corporation responsible. It was so much fun working on this assignment as well as every assignment before it and it was an honor being a part of this class. The bibliography for this assignment can be found on the Journals section of my website.

Assignments: Video


Interactive Map Updates

For the past few weeks I have added more countries to the list, but for this SDA I have added the 5 most renewable(green) and the 5 least renewable countries(red). The bottom 5 were hard to compile because many countries generate less than 1% of their electricity from renewable sources. I decided to use countries that had a lot of potential that do not generate a lot of renewable energy, even if they are making an effort to tap into this potential.

Assignments: HTML Embed


Interactive Map

For this SDA I decided to compile some information onto an easy-to-use website. I researched some states/regions/countries and found out how renewable they currently are, how seriously they are trying to be more renewable and what renewable sources are best for that area. I plan on adding more information in the future and making it a little more widespread. Check it out!

Assignments: HTML Embed


For my December SDA I decided to make a podcast. During this episode I talk about geothermal energy and how it is used locally and internationally. I also explore the benefits and costs of using engineered geothermal energy over natural geothermal energy.

Assignments: Files


October 31, 2019

Our October assignment was an SDA or self designed assignment, I chose to make a horror movie trailer. I wanted to get into the spooky season feel and I felt it could be fun to try convey some basic and scary research about energy wasting through this seasonal format. A special thanks to all my friends who made appearances in the video!

Assignments: Video

Person, Place or Thing

In this assignment we were asked why we chose the topic we chose to research. I decided to take a video of the route my brother and I used to take while driving and talking. These chats were always very near and dear to me and have shaped me into the person I am today. More is explored in the actual video!

Assignments: Video


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