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SDA Explanation

Iceland is most renewable because it produces the most renewable energy per capita.

Costa Rica is the second most renewable because for most of the year it runs on 98% renewable energy.

Uruguay is the third most renewable because generates 95% of its electricity and 50% of its overall energy mix from renewable sources.

Kenya is the fourth most renewable because it generates just lower than 90% of its electricity from renewable sources.

Denmark is fifth most renewable because it currently generates 50% of its electricity from renewable sources and plans to be 100% renewable for all energy by 2050.

Benin is in the bottom 5 because not only are the energy sources mostly non-renewable, but they are also imported. Imported non-renewable energy is double non-renewable because the storage and transportation of that energy also takes energy.

Botswana is in the bottom 5 because it still relies heavily on coal. Even though there have been investments for renewable energy in the future, at this point in time Botswana is not using enough renewable energy.

Trinidad and Tobago are in the bottom 5 because their potential for renewable energy and ability to pay for it are available. Also the goal to get to 10% renewable in electricity by 20201 is far behind the international trend of 50% by 2025. Not only is the potential there, but Trinidad and Tobago currently are consuming a lot of energy and their carbon footprint is increasing.

Cuba is in the bottom 5 because of its over consumption of energy, the importation of non-renewable energy and their inaction to resolve these problems. A goal to be 24% renewable by 2030 is putting in effort, but with its potential it is simply not enough to minimize the carbon footprint and costs for using so much energy.

Mongolia is in the bottom 5 because of its high potential and low action. With 250 days of sunlight we would expect there to be more than 16% of electricity to produced by all renewable sources, but that is simply not the case. Mongolia has been able to quickly become renewable in the recent years, yet they only set a goal to be 30% renewable by 2030. Mongolia is the most renewable of the bottom 5, but still needs to increase its renewability in the coming years.

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Works Cited "Average Annual Sunshine by USA State - Current Results." n.d. Web. 5 Jun. 2020. Ben Zientara. "How much electricity does a solar panel produce?." Solar Power Rocks. 11

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