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  • Writer's picturesarahlindberg0220

Progress Journaling

I have my format planned out for my final project, the whole thing will be a mashup of all of my ideas! For my intro I will give a brief "why". The entire presentation is going to be a how, how do regular citizens contribute to renewable and sustainable energy? So for the intro I thought it would be nice to establish the why. I was thinking of possibly doing a pros/cons list, but I'll see where writing takes me. I plan to make an outline of information at the very least and a script at the very most. Most likely I will have a basic script laid out in the next week. For the "meat" of the presentation I will give people instruction on what they can do. I also plan to establish why energy is usually the government's issue, then I will describe the difference between 1 solar powered home and 1 solar farm, but then I will talk about 1 solar home to 1 solar neighborhood to 1 solar city, then I also talk about how location is a factor and how not every place can have the same plan, and finally I plan on talking about how someone can promote sustainable and renewable energy even if they are environmentally or financially disadvantaged.

I don't know if this is 10-15 minutes on content, but I plan on doing an improv timer just to see how long it would be to get the information that I have planned out and then using that as a reference. I plan on using my map to describe the government's role as well as the contribution that location plays on sustainability. I'm planning on doing an audio presentation and possibly putting images on the screen during the talking, informational pictures mostly with a couple funny ones when appropriate. I think that this is intensive enough without being unrealistic!

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