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November 11th Journal

So far this class has been a lot of presentations, but I'm really excited to focus more on the research without the stress of finishing an assignment. Through lots of conversations and some research I have found that energy doesn't come in "good or bad". I have found that the best label for what I am going to research is sustainable energy. I want to learn more about the best energy for the environment. My goal for the week is to dive into the different types and to compare and contrast them. My goal for the class as a whole is to really understand the inner workings of creating energy, distributing energy and storing energy.

The more I think and talk about energy consumption the more scared I get about how much energy we use and how hard it is to create and store energy. As time has progressed we have become more and more dependent on constant and available energy. The point of this research is to not only calm my nerves about the human-created apocalypse, but to understand the systems of making energy and possibly one day use this knowledge to make some things better.

As for my next step, many may know that this is a busy time of the year and I may get distracted or unmotivated, but with my time tomorrow I am planning on talking to my advisor about how to attack a still very broad topic. Mrs. Gergen emailed me and told me about a book that the school's library just got about sustainable energy. I may want to print out some articles, maybe look into a textbook about the actual science of these things, but I am ready to go and learn! I just need to find a starting point.

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Works Cited "Average Annual Sunshine by USA State - Current Results." n.d. Web. 5 Jun. 2020. Ben Zientara. "How much electricity does a solar panel produce?." Solar Power Rocks. 11

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