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This is my plan for the trailer. I will cut together a bunch of clips of these, edit them as well as I can and add a lot of facts. For "Saw" I will have a few friends come over and pretend to be kidnapped in a basement, they will be told to recycle different items in a certain amount of time. I will use just a computer screen and myself recorded on it telling them facts while they are recycling. There will be plastic, tin, paper and cardboard for them to recycle, someone will throw away batteries and then it will climax. There will be a black screen with the stereotypical horror movie font and that says "Save the plant, or they will make you save the planet" or something like that. Then with psycho there will be someone showering and someone walking up ready to kill them, they pull back the shower curtain and then turn off the water saying, "Did you know Americans waste ___ gallons of water each year from their showers. That's enough water to power a ____" then the person will scream. The Shining will have a boy walking away from his room, then, a pair of twins show up and say, "come unplug your phone, Danny. You're wasting energy, Danny." Then he will do the lil Danny face hold scream thing and the twins will give him a fact. For Scream it will open on a girl using a lot of energy on her car; she will have the lights on when she doesn't need to, she will be using the A/C, it will be in sport mode, she'll have her bluetooth on and she will be charging her phone. She will then get a phone call that will ask her the Scream questions, "What's your favorite movie?", "Do you have a boyfriend?", "What's your name?" She will answer in the way they do in the movie then he will say, "Do you know how much energy you're wasting?" or "Why are you wasting so much energy?" Then he will tell her how much in the creepy way he does and she will start freaking out saying, "Leave me alone." and "Stop calling me." The scene will end with the phone ringing again. The last scene will be a recurring character looking frazzled and scared and she pulls the string on a doll and it will tell her two facts. She will scream and then hide in a closet, she'll peek behind the blinds and the doll will show up behind her and tell her one more fact. Then she will scream and the screen will go dark.

In between each scene there will be messages in the font that will either say a fact or bait a horror movie feeling. Just creepy sayings like, "They're coming." or "What will happen next?"

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