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Later is Better than Never

Agh!! These past few weeks have been crazy. EMC has unfortunately taken a backseat in mind for the last 2 weeks. I do feel a bit odd about it, but this was definitely the best choice for my overall health. I had a rough start to the week before break, I had a bad fight with my mom and that always sends me into a spiral. I really had to take a week for myself and focus on just getting through each day as best I could. With a week long break... I needed a break, an actual break. It probably wasn't the smartest decision, but sometimes you need to be dumb. It was really nice letting steam off, relaxing with my friends and screwing my head back on. In the coming weeks I am very excited to work and get back into the usual schedule, now onto the real stuff!

My Q focus! I have decided to focus my final half of EMC on researching the plausibility of running a community on all sustainable and clean energy. For my upcoming SDA I am planning on focusing on a small community, maybe a county that is already halfway there, but focusing my Symposium and main research on looking at Albany, NY. I think thus far I have been gathering data and information and now I can focus on making a change and doing more for my community. I'm excited for the future and apologize for the lack of updates.

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