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  • Writer's picturesarahlindberg0220

Goalpost... Post

For my March SDA I would like to use a map of the world and show a quick summary of which renewable and green energy source(s) are best for a certain spot. The summary would not just include which energy source, but also an explanation why and why the country is or isn't using that energy source. My goal is to make an interactive map that allows anyone to see just how efficient renewable and green energy sources can be. I would like to do one per major country or region and then go more in depth in the US, breaking it down into Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. I will see how far my intro to computer science class will take me and then see if the help desk can help me with the rest of this program. I think this could be cool for the collaboration idea because at least two emc'ers are at the help desk and maybe I could even have a friend voice record the summaries.

While I really like this idea, it doesn't have the clearest "Why?" It will inform anyone who using the program (maybe a website or just a program I don't know the practicality just yet), but why should anyone use it? I think the summary will really just say, "*This country* is in the perfect location to use *this energy source*, it is currently running at *this percentage efficiency* with *current energy source*" But there does need to be something else. Maybe for each country or region I could link an organization that is trying to make that push. Or maybe I could link two articles on each, one that pushed for the change and one that pushes against. For each section I could state the practicality of making the switch, how much money it would cost and how many years it would take. I could state how much the switch would help, like why the switch would be necessary. So many options and less than two weeks to get it done!

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